Argueably our daily routine is something which can make our day or can destroy it .Morning plays a really important role in an ideal daily routine.In order to to make our morning satisfied we should always try get up early in the morning say around 5 to 7 am .This is an ideal time to begin our day.

 So many people prefer drinking water after  they get up but i think it is totally on a person whether he wants to or not .I mean everyone do not get up thirsty so no need . First thing to do should always wash your face ,which also makes you feel fresh ,then other daliy stuff like brushing etc .After this now is the need to to drink a lot of water say 4 to 5 glass to stay hydtrated and also to remove mouth smell .Then we should meditate for at least 15 min and then go for a  bath . Now to complete these things anyone will hardly take 2 hrs .Now it is 9 am and you are all ready for your work ,you can have a breakfast before it .

Then comes the lunch , normally in a busy schedule you can have a lunch till 2pm but it is always recommended to have it until 1pm . after lunch a walk of 100 to 150 steps is recommended in our scriptures . After this lets have a snack at 5 pm and enjoy evening time accordingly .

  Now comes dinner time which should always be light which also helps to get a better sleep .your dinner should be 80% of quantity as your lunch and 60% as of your breakfast, the ideal time is always 8pm.After having a light dinner at 8 or 8.30pm ,go for a walk on terace or anywhere and walk 200 to 250 steps. and sleep time should strictly be 10 ,at max 11 ...

This was a perfect routine and following this you can stay fit and healthy in this busy and running world.

This is it .thank y'all.          


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